Hey team,
It's been awhile since I've actually written in this blog. I do apologize for the absence. I didn't really know what to put in here at the time. It was just kind of "something to do." However, 2021 is going to be a bit different.
I am going to be releasing a lot of content this year.
What's scheduled as of today:
Cupa Book 2
-Art is done
Cupa Book 3
-Art not started
Straylight Gambit - 2nd Edition
-New Cover Artwork coming
Straylight Gambit 2
-Cover Artwork needed
Straylight Gambit 3
-20%+ done
Wow, that's a lot of stuff happening in 2021. That's also just what's planned. There's a lot more in the fire currently. I'm hoping to release 2-4 Cupa books this year and 2-3 Straylight Gambit books.
For fans of the Virtue Saga (Innocence / Candor), I promise that there'll be some love coming your way. Innocence and Candor will be getting a facelift with new cover artwork. As much as I love the artwork for the originals, I've been doing a lot of research and at this point in my writer journey, I just don't have the name recognition to pull off those simplistic covers. (But I love them so much.)
Thank you for all of your support. I promise a lot of updates.