Where have we been?
>Straylight Gambit
Where are we going?
Well, that's an interesting question. We're heading to the land of Certa and following a girl as she embarks upon adventures around the world and beyond it. In the near future, there'll be more about this particular set of stories.
Format for the future:
The new book will be short stories that'll be assembled together as one book. I'm doing this for a few reasons...
First, the book is intended for a younger audience as I'm writing these stories for my daughter.
Second, there's a lot of adventure to be had in such a big world!
Third, each story will (if I am capable of) have some sort of lesson or lessons that the main character, Cupa (pronounced Queue-pah), will have to learn.
Next Book (Unannounced Title... Seriously, I don't know what to call it yet.)
Straylight Gambit 2
Next Book Sequel
Straylight Gambit 3
Innocence/Candor Sequel